Senior Transportation Services
CRIS Vermilion Transit provides senior transportation services to older adults age 60 and over within the urbanized area of Danville. CRIS has a limited number of Senior rides it can provide each month. Seniors are asked to limit their request to one round trip per week as a CRIS Senior Rider. If situations require more that one trip per week, Call CRIS Vermilion Transit for other transportation options available.
Rides are booked on a first-call basis. Rides may be scheduled up to 30 days in advance.
Rides may be scheduled Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm. to schedule a ride with CRIS RMTD, call (217) 443-2287
All CRIS Senior ride fares are donations. There is a suggested donation of $1.00 for CRIS Senior rides.
For questions or to schedule a ride with CRIS RMTD, call (217) 443-2287.